Welcome to Killard, the Setup for Success program where children from birth to four years and their families are encouraged to wonder, play and socialise in a friendly nurturing environment.
Every Thursday during term time
9.00 am to 10.30 am
Our Name
On April 14 1821 Fr Phillip Conolly arrived in Hobart Town. Requesting some land upon which to establish his ministry, he was granted the land bordered by Harrington, Patrick and Brisbane streets.
He built a house near our current playground. He named his house, 'Killard',which is Gaelic for 'church on the hill'. As part of his building he also constructed a small chapel from timber.
The chapel was named St Virgil’s.
Schedule & Enrolment
All families with children aged birth to four years are welcome to attend Killard. You will be asked to complete the Killard Enrolment & Contact Form at your first session, or you can complete it and bring it along with you.