Chess Club

Junior School

The Junior School has a thriving and vibrant Chess Club on Friday afternoons 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm, run by Black Square Chess. Each week expert tutors run engaging chess lessons and students practice the strategies they have learned with their friends as well as participate in an intra-school tournament. Chess Club members also have the opportunity to participate in interschool chess tournaments. As this is an externally run activity, a cost of approximately $80 a term, depending on the number of sessions in that term, is required. To learn more about our Chess Club, go to

Chess Club is supported by Miss Amelia Daun and opportunities are communicated via EdSmart email prior to each term commencing.

Senior School

Chess Club at the Senior School is a popular co-curricular activity, offered to all students and all ability levels, from beginner to advanced. Chess Club provides the opportunity for students to develop and practice new skills such as strategy, critical thinking and fair play. Meetings are informal, allowing students to further develop both chess and social skills. Chess Club members are invited to represent the College at various regional and statewide interschool tournaments. In the past five years, the College has consistently qualified for the Tasmanian State Interschool Chess Competition.

Chess is also encouraged in the library every recess and lunch. Head along to the library during these times or contact Ms Jo Berriman for enquiries.