Leadership & Service

At St Virgil’s College, students are recognised in a variety of ways for their achievements and abilities across a range of fields. The following Awards are amongst the highest honours available to Virgilians, and as such are reserved for Year 10 students.

Edmund Rice Award

Awarded to the student who most exemplifies the spirit of Edmund Rice. The student must have shown by his involvement in various charitable works that his deeds are worthy of a follower of Edmund Rice. He must also have shown through his words, actions and relationships that he respects the dignity of the human person, and is committed to bringing about justice and peace in the school community. In particular, he will be someone recognised for reaching out to those in need.

Year 10 students vote for a short list of 10 nominees whose names are then referred to staff for approval. Students vote a second time for the approved nominees, and the highest vote scorer becomes the winner of the Award. The Principal announces the winner’s name at the Year 10 Leavers’ Dinner, and the perpetual trophy is presented at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass in late November.

Virgilian of the Year Award

This is awarded to the student who has lived the spirit of St Virgil’s College in the most exemplary way possible during his last year at the College. This student must have performed to the best of his ability in his formal studies and in his co-curricular activities. He must be a person who has shown a clear love for the College and its traditions, who has supported his teachers and fellow students, and who has very obviously set a standard for others to follow. He must be the sort of person in whom one can recognise easily the living spirit of our College.

The voting system for this Award replicates the system used for the Edmund Rice Award.

Academic Awards

An Academic Award is presented annually in each of the subjects at Year 10 level. The Award goes automatically to the student with the highest results across the subject’s criteria.

Medallions are presented to the Academic Award winners at the Annual Thanksgiving Mass in November. At the end of the year, those students who have achieved academic excellence across the curriculum are acknowledged by the award of Certificates of Academic Excellence. A number of Academic Awards are also presented at the Half Way Day Assembly in the middle of the school year.