Procedures & Forms

In the interests of good communication between the Junior School and home, the following communication tools are used:

In addition our teachers are more than happy to meet with parents if the need arises.

Please ensure that notices are carefully read and reply forms are returned when required.

Student Expectations 

  • Students shall comply with any requirements the College may make in respect of dress, general appearance, behaviour and participation in the College’s program of activities.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the College grounds during the day without the permission of the Head of the Junior School. A written request is normally required for this purpose. 
  • If a student is absent from school a parent/guardian is asked to phone the office by 9.00 am and a written explanation is required upon his return. This explanation should be recorded in the diary and handed to the Class Teacher.
  • All students are required to attend Religious Education classes and to participate in worship and liturgy. School bus travellers are expected to be courteous, co-operative and appreciative of the service offered. They must abide by the terms of the School Bus Contract.
  • The appropriate uniform is to be worn on all occasions.
  • Appropriate detentions will be given for serious misbehaviour. Students will be expected to attend such detentions. 
  • Parents and students are reminded that non-essential electronic equipment (such as I-Pods and MP3 Players), mobile phones and other expensive items should not be brought to the College. If such items are seen or heard by members of staff, the items will be confiscated.

Sport Policy

The community of St Virgil’s College values participation in sports because it reinforces the mission of the College and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

As sportsmen, our students develop personal skills, cultivate sound friendships and foster a feeling of school spirit. At the same time, they learn what it means to play as a team, to practise self-discipline, to cope with winning and losing, to enjoy the benefits of play, and to develop healthy self-esteem.

  • The College will offer a broad sports program within the limitations of its resources.
  • The sport program will be managed by a teacher qualified and experienced in this area.
  • Students will be required to comply with any expectations the College may make with regard to dress, demeanour, participation and payment of sports levies, or with the expectations of any other club or association with which the College is affiliated.
  • Staff will take an active role in coordinating any sporting activities undertaken at the College.
  • Under normal circumstances students will participate in teams appropriate to their year level or age group. Exemptions may be granted by the Principal or Head of Junior School in individual cases.
  •  A student or group of students may only represent SVC with the permission of the Principal. Supporters and Team Officials will be required to uphold the values espoused by the College and the Sports Association of Tasmanian Independent Schools (SATIS) Code of Conduct at all times.

Early Arrival at School 

Junior School gates open at 8.15 am, which is when teacher supervision commences. We ask that students do not arrive at School before then.

All classrooms are open from 8.30 am. Families needing their son to be at school before 8.15 am should access Before School Care, provided by Catholic Care, which is open from 7.00 am.

Early Years Learning Reception opens at 8.30 am for students in Kindergarten (Monday to Wednesday) and Prep.

Prep students arriving before 8.15 am, may enter through the main gate on the driveway.

Buses & Transport

A number of bus services operate to and from the school. Details can be found here.

All students and parents are required to sign our bus agreement agreeing to the Bus & Transport Code of Conduct.  

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not permitted at school. However if you feel your son needs to have one available for after school, you can seek approval via letter from the Head of Junior School.

Behaviour Management

The spirit of the College Mission Statement, the Student Behaviour Management Plan exists to build a supportive school environment which relies on a working relationship among all members of the school community, and on the belief that behaviour management should be a teaching and learning exercise rather than disciplinary interaction.

School Rules


  • follow instructions in a respectful manner.
  • value other people and their property.
  • respect the rights of others to learn.
  • act safely at all times.
  • listen carefully when others are speaking.
  • will be well presented and organised.

Playground Rules


  • follow the 'hands off' rule.
  • play fairly and treat others with respect.
  • speak properly to others.
  • sit down for 10 minutes at the start of recess and lunch to eat our food.
  • do not play with sports equipment during eating time.
  • play with students in our own year.
  • wear bucket hats at recess and lunchtime.
  • ask for permission to get a ball that is out of the school grounds.
  • keep our playground clean and tidy.