iPad Program

All students from Year 3 to 12 at St Virgil’s College are provided with an Apple device to further optimise learning for every student at the College. Whilst the College will maintain other information communication technology (ICT) devices and programs, the provision of devices will greatly assist with enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes as well as improving student’s ICT literacy and their readiness for the technology rich world they will enter upon leaving school.

The College recognises that there is a significant body of research available regarding what factors enhance learning outcomes for students. Some key factors include the use of ICT and tactile (hands-on) activities. Mobile devices with touch interfaces meet these key factors significantly.

In addition, mobile devices give greater real time access to data, and allow teachers to integrate ICT more smoothly into day-to-day lessons in a myriad of ways. Mobile devices are therefore seen as ‘learning enablers’ for students rather than just productivity tools, which is how traditional computers and laptops tend to be viewed.

Students and staff will utilise devices in a range of exciting and engaging ways, both in and outside of the classroom including:

  • Web researching without having to go to a computer lab;
  • Student response systems where students are able to provide instant feedback to issues and have feedback automatically aggregated by the teacher;
  • Presenting work in various ways – not just written answers but electronic presentations; and
  • Collaborative learning – learning in groups can be easily facilitated by sharing documents, screens and input from group members.

The learning and teaching outcomes for students is endless and no doubt the program will be a constantly evolving one as staff and students continue to make optimal use of the technology to maximise learning outcomes for each student at St Virgil’s.

If there are any questions, please contact the College.