Uniform Shop

The staff at the Uniform Shop would like to extend a welcome to students, parents and families of St Virgil’s College. Located at the Austins Ferry campus, the Uniform Shop stocks all academic uniforms, sport uniforms and uniform accessories including school shoes.

For all enquiries, please email or phone Midford Uniform Shop Manager Louise Bennett at (03) 6249 3610 or st.virgils@midford.com.au.

Price List

View the Price List here.

Opening Hours

St Virgil’s College uniform shop will close for the school holidays on Thursday 26 September at 4.00 pm and re-open on Monday 14 October at 8.00 am.

Term 4 Extended Trading Hours: Monday 14 October, 8.00 am to 1.30 pm.

The uniform shop will return to normal hours on Tuesday 15 October, 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.

The uniform shop will be closed on Thursday 24 October (Hobart Show Day).

You are welcome to purchase from the online uniform shop at your convenience. Your order will be filled when the shop is next open.

Normal trading hours during the school term:

Tuesday: 8.00am-4.00pm
Wednesday: 8.00am-4.00pm
Thursday: 8.00am-4.00pm

Pass phrase SVC1911


In Store

Appointments are essential - even for one item - and you may need to wait outside until called in as customer limits apply when visiting the Shop. Students can be accompanied at a fitting by no more than one parent or without a parent present. All care will be taken to fit the student correctly. To book an appointment, follow the online link below.

Payments are no longer accepted with cash, and only with credit or debit cards.

By Phone

Phone orders are available during opening hours on (03) 6249 3610. Payment is to be taken at the time of order.


Families can use online service and choose delivery or to collect in store. The Pass Phrase for online ordering is SVC1911.

New User Instructions

To set up your new Uniform Shop account please follow these directions:

Returning users


Midford’s returns policy allows for the exchange and return of uniform items. Items must be presented with a receipt, original packaging and swing tags attached and be unworn, altered or laundered.

Uniform Expectations

The students of St Virgil’s College wear a distinctive uniform as a sign of their membership of and loyalty to the College community. The uniform is an important part of our public image as well as being serviceable and practical clothing for school wear.


  • The uniform is compulsory and should be worn neatly and with pride.
  • The College blazer must be worn to and from school when wearing formal uniform. 
  • All items of uniform must be clean and in a good state of repair.
  • Uniform items derive their colour scheme from the royal blue, green and gold of the College colours.
  • Representative teams wear uniforms appropriate to their particular sports.
  • Additions or modifications to the uniform or changes in the way it is worn are the domain of the Principal.
  • The Management Committee of the Clothing Store will make recommendations regarding changes to style or fabric.
  • Cost, style, quality, availability and compliance with the Sunsmart Policy will be taken into account when setting uniform requirements.
  • The regulations regarding the wearing of uniform apply when travelling to or from school or school functions as well as while at school.

Summer (Term 1 and Term 4)

Formal Uniform
Blazer, blue shirt, Centenary tie, long grey trousers (with black socks) or grey shorts (with SVC walk socks), black leather lace-up shoes.

Optional: Jumper.

The College bucket hat or cap must be worn at all times during outdoor activities during Term 1 and 4.

Winter (Term 2 and Term 3)

Formal Uniform
Blazer, blue shirt, Centenary tie, long grey trousers (with black socks) or grey short (with SVC walk socks), black leather lace-up shoes.

Optional: Jumper and hat/cap.

Sports Uniform

Blue polo shirt, spray jacket, House T-shirt, track pants or shorts, sports socks (mainly white), SVC cap.

Sports shoes must be primarily white, blue or black. Brightly coloured sport shoes (for example, red or fluorescent) are not permitted.

The sports uniform may be worn on a day when a student has Physical Education classes, House lunchtime sport, training for a College sports team or completion for a College sports team immediately after school.


Our young men at St Virgil’s take pride in their appearance including presentation of their hair. While in College uniform hair is to be of a style and length unlikely to cause comment.  Hair must be clean, tidy, of natural colour with no trace of dyes, bleaches or tints. Hair may be shaved with a number two blade, but not a number one, and should be shaved evenly all over with no long hair on top and with short sides. Hair should not exceed collar length or cover eyes or the face.  A small amount of mousse or gel may be used to keep hair in place but not to create spikes or other effects.

Please note that refusal to meet this expectation will be cause for disciplinary action, which could include a parent meeting and/or suspension from school.

Student should consult their Head of House if they require further advice on this matter. The ultimate acceptability of styles is determined by the Principal.

The only acceptable school bag is either the SVC carry bag or SVC backpack. Bags should be sticker-free.

Sunglasses appropriate to the uniform may be worn outdoors.

Woollen gloves (plain royal blue or grey) may be worn in Term 2 and 3.

Beanies may be worn in Term 2 and 3 and only with the sports uniform. 

The following items and styles are not acceptable at St Virgil’s College:

  • Desert boots, suede shoes and boots.
  • Earrings, studs and jewellery. Watches are permitted.
  • Caps or hats other than the approved SVC cap or hat.
  • Any jackets other than those listed in the optional uniform section.
  • Any non-uniform T-shirts, tops, jackets or hoodies which are visible in any way.

When the afternoon temperature exceeds 25 degrees Celsius, the Deputy Principal may allow students the option of travelling home without wearing their blazers.

The spray jacket may be worn with the formal uniform during cold and/or wet weather.

If circumstances warrant an exceptional to the uniform code, a signed letter of explanation is to be sent by the parent/carer to the student's Pastoral Care Teacher. This letter should include a reason for the exception and an indication as to the time frame for rectifying it.