Awarded a grant of $10 000 as winners of the Reconciliation Australia Narragunnawali Awards, St Virgil’s College will hold a naming ceremony for their new water trailer purchased with the funds on Thursday 8 June.
Purchased to increase self-reliancy when performing cool burning at the College, the water trailer will be officially named layna lumi, which translates to ‘water here’ or ‘place of fresh water’ in palawa kani.
The Narragunnawali Awards recognises and celebrates schools and their implementation of outstanding reconciliation initiatives.
In partnering with the Narragunnawali online platform, St Virgil’s College provides practical ways to introduce meaningful reconciliation initiatives in classrooms, around the school and throughout the entire College community.
Highlights of the event included a traditional Smoking Ceremony, which paid respect to and acknowledges muwinina Elders, community and Country, and cleansed those present and the site. Our Prep and Year 1 students’ performance of 'Yul Lill' was a joyous moment, complete with audience participation.