Year 7-10

St Virgil's College offers a broad curriculum with specialist facilities in Science, Design & Technologies, Digital Technologies and the Arts.

Much emphasis is placed on the key areas of literacy and numeracy as well as Science, Languages, Social Sciences and Physical Education.

Religious Education is central to the studies undertaken. The College exists to nurture the gift of faith in all students with particular emphasis on passing on a solid understanding of the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church.

Pathways to senior secondary studies are outlined at The Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards & Certification (TASC) site.

For more detail, the 2024 Year 9&10 Subject Selection Handbook below includes all subject options for Year 9 and beyond.

The Year 11&12 Subject Selection Handbook can be found here.

Middle Years

The drive for the St Virgil's College Middle School teaching philosophy is centred on relationships, liberated education and enriching life experiences.

This teaching philosophy evokes deep learning through critical thinking, collaboration and relevant, real world examples. Embracing an integrated approach, we have been empowered  to rethink the way we teach and reshape our course content, whilst maintaining high expectations. Our boy friendly teaching environment is nestled within the framework of the Australian Curriculum and with our boys at the centre of our learning model, we have moved away from traditional classroom instruction towards a more holistic learning experience.

Pedagogies that support deeper learning include personalised curriculum, collaborative learning, STEM activities and project-based inquiries. We aspire to deliver an educational program that increases educational outcomes by presenting our students with a curriculum that is relevant, challenging and engaging. We cater to the diverse learning needs of all boys. We believe that the key to success is celebrating relationships at the centre of all that we do and with this in mind, we limit the number of teachers that Middle Years learners engage with.

Core 1 provides the boys with opportunities to engage in integrated learning experiences encompassing Science, Mathematics, Digital Technologies and Health and Wellbeing. With a strong focus on problem solving, our students enjoy experiential learning as well as STEM activities, which challenge and engage minds through deep learning. Our strong Numeracy and Skills development program forms the foundation of all assessments. We offer differentiated learning tasks to support students to access the curriculum and we access outside learning as a means to engage students further with relevant, 'real world' experiences and utilising our beautiful school grounds. Our collaboration with the Outdoor Education Department, also provides diverse and challenging experiences for our boys.

Core 2 provides the boys with the opportunity to explore Humanities subjects in an integrated, 'hands on' manner. History, Geography, English and Civics and Citizenship subjects all combine to offer students exposure to the values and attitudes that underpin our society, both historically and in the present day. This approach provides our boys with the tools to be active and informed citizens and to think critically about information they are presented with. Through experiential learning and fieldwork, our students are able to draw links between the past, present and future. We foster a culture of independent learning where students are given the opportunity to undertake their own inquiries and investigations about real world topics.

In Core 2, students are exposed to a range of text types including narratives, print, digital media and poetry. They analyse and respond to texts through many modes of communication, building upon their developing literacy skills to support confident learning across the curriculum.


Literacy is an integral part of every student's learning across the curriculum. As a school we have developed the subject of Literacy to cater for a differentiated population of students. Boys are provided with a safe and supportive learning environment; while differentiated tasks are implemented based on a developmental continuum, allowing all students to access the curriculum at their level.

Literacy across all year levels aims to:

  • Equip all students with a repertoire of communication skills which will allow them to be proficient communicators for the workforce.
  • Equip all students with a repertoire of communication skills which will allow them to engage effectively with others on a range of levels, recognising that literacy is a life skill.
  • Equip students with the skills to communicate more effectively across a wide range of texts including ICT.

St Virgil’s recognises the causal link between literacy levels and overall academic achievement. Our goal is for every boy to move along the developmental continuum, allowing them to reach a level that enables them to be confident and competent communicators.

Resource Centre

The Resource Centre is an integral part of the College's approach to literacy and contemporary information management. It provides a range of resources for boys which are continually updated to meet the rapidly evolving learning and teaching needs of students and staff.

Religious Education

As a school established by the Christian Brothers, St Virgil’s College has the person and charism of Edmund Rice at the centre of our College story. St Virgil’s College has a compassionate emphasis on social justice: we strive to value and empower those who are marginalised.

Students are given the opportunity to take part in several charitable initiatives, both those working within the local community and those with an International focus. Students may join the St Vincent de Paul group, the Amnesty group or the Reconciliation group.

There is also the opportunity for students to contribute to many other charities, such as Caritas, throughout the school year, through fundraising activities, for example the SRC Soup Day.

Participation in Edmund Rice Camps is also encouraged within the College.


English is an integral part of the learning environment at St Virgil's College and teachers are committed to instilling a passion for English in our students that is relevant to their lives. Talented, passionate and committed staff work collaboratively to create innovative units to inspire and engage students, incorporating the curriculum general capabilities. Our primary focus is to improve the standard of each student's basic literacy to ensure that they are independent learners who are able to communicate effectively; both orally and in writing. We recognise that the data and student feedback should inform our teaching practice to best support each student and their individual learning journey.


At St Virgil's College students study Australian Curriculum Mathematics, whether integrated in Science, Health and ICT in our Middle Years Core 1 program, or as a compulsory specialist subject in Year 8, 9 and 10. The Mathematics program also includes opportunities to explore personal interests and/or extension through our elective program in Year 9 and 10, including the opportunity to study Mathematics Methods Foundation as a pre-tertiary subject in Year 10

Our approach to teaching Mathematics is to recognise the fundamental concept that the subject is about recognition, description and application of patterns within the areas of Number, Measurement, Geometry, Chance and Data. By practicing skills to consolidate understanding, analysing information coupled with problem solving and the communication of solutions to these problems, students learn to appreciate how Mathematics is applied to in everyday lives within our society.

Our aim is to ensure that all students are equipped with basic numeracy skills while also encouraging the individual development of students based upon their interests and abilities. As they progress through the year.


At St Virgil’s we follow the Australian Curriculum for Science and also have a variety of optional Science based subjects for Years 9 and 10.

The Year 7 program is designed as an integrated approach to Science with an emphasis on skills and STEM. 

The Years 8, 9 and 10 program consists of four main units of work (Earth and Space, Biology, Chemistry and Physics) taught over the year with integrated project and problem-based learning units. 

In Years 9 and 10, we also offer option subjects in Agricultural Science, Aquatic Sciences, Inquiry Science and Quantitative Science.


The Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMS) at St Virgil’s College embraces a suite of core subjects comprising History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business. The content of these Australian Curriculum subjects can be viewed by all at

All of these core HUMS subjects are compulsory in Year 7 and 8, but only History is mandated from Year 9.

HUMS also includes several semester-long Electives which boys can choose to study in Year 9 and 10. The underlying philosophy of this elective program is that ‘choice brings ownership and commitment; boys have chosen their courses so they should be more inclined to embrace the learning involved'. HUMS Electives include;- Geography, Modern History, Psychology, Sociology, Business Management, Business Communications and History of War.

Curriculum content for all HUMS subjects / electives, including course materials and tasks, is now available online for all stakeholders – students and parents in particular – through SIMON, the College’s online communication and learning platform. Parents are able to access assessment online through a SIMON module named PAM (Parent Access Module).

As the subject name suggests, HUMS is about developing those skills and sensibilities of students which are used to make them responsible citizens able to live full and rewarding lives in a society characterised by CHANGE and technological advancement.

The best ways to contact HUMS teachers about your son’s progress is by email in the first instance. Email addresses for teachers are available via SIMON or the College website.

The Arts

‘The arts are as old as humanity. They are part of every culture and central to the diverse and continuing cultures of First Nations Australians.’ - Australian Curriculum Arts Rationale. 

Students at St Virgil’s College are offered a number of opportunities to engage with and experience the Arts to foster creativity, personal interpretation and expression. Practical in nature, the Arts provides opportunities to tap into individual differences in learning styles, personalities and ability levels while challenging students to develop their perceptions, creativity, reflective and critical thinking skills.

At St Virgil’s, the Arts subjects are largely practical with a theory component. 

All students in Year 7 undertake the study of Visual Art, Music and Drama through year long courses.  In Year 8, students work through a semesterised program of Visual Art, Music and Drama, with the addition of Media Arts. In Years 9 and 10, all Arts subjects become optional:

  • Drama
  • Introduction to Photography
  • Music
  • Stage Crew

Visual Art

Visual art and design are a means of communication using images and objects. Ideas, experiences, feelings and imaginings can be expressed through art using a range of techniques and forms.

Through the study of Visual Art at St Virgil’s, students are given opportunities to create art and gain an understanding that:

  • Art is a visual form of communication.
  • Art evokes a response and creates a dialogue.
  • Art gives and shares meaning.
  • Art provides an alternative means of expression in both two and three dimensional form.
  • Art can challenge and influence society.


Drama uniquely explores and communicates the human condition through the enactment of real and imagined worlds. Drama responds to our need to share and enact stories, and create and make meaning across cultures, times, places and communities. Through a process of creating, performing and responding, students work collaboratively as drama makers through movement, voice and characterisation. Students learn to think, move, speak and act with confidence. In making and staging drama they learn how to be focused, innovative and resourceful, and collaborate and take on responsibilities for drama presentations. They are excited by exploring their imagination and taking risks in storytelling through role and dramatic action.


Music exists distinctively in every culture and is a means of communication. Ideas, experiences, feelings and imaginings can be expressed through music using a range of techniques and forms. Through continuous and sequential music learning, students are given opportunities to listen to, compose and perform with increasing depth and complexity. Students are given opportunities to learn, develop skills and perform using musical instruments in both ensembles and as a soloist.

At St Virgil’s College, music is largely practical with a theory component. All students in Year 7 undertake the study of Music through a year long course. Students in Year 7 explore a variety of instruments in the classroom, including an introduction to keyboard, guitar and percussion. In combination with this, students are introduced to music technology. Involvement in co-curricular ensembles is encouraged to continue their development of skill on instruments they have previously (or currently) played.

All students in Year 8 undertake the study of Music through a semester long course. Similar to what is offered in Year 7, students in Year 8 explore composition using music technology (Blocs Wave, GarageBand and iMovie), and an introduction to keyboard, guitar and percussion skills dependent on student interest. In combination with this, involvement in co-curricular ensembles is encouraged to continue their development of skill on instruments they have previously (or currently) played.

In Year 9 and 10, students who undertake Music are delving into aspects of music they show a strong interest in. Analysing their favourite songs, composing individual and group pieces of music, exploration of music technology in apps such as Blocs Wave, GarageBand and iMovie, are all part of creating a variety of ways for students to be engaged in music. They have the opportunity to form instrumental groups as part of this classroom experience (for example a rock band or other instrumental ensemble).

Students are also able to have private or shared music lessons with visiting specialist teachers in a range of instruments. Please refer to the College website under ‘Music Tuition’ for more details.


Media Arts involves creating representations of the world and telling stories through communications technologies such as television, film, video, newspapers, radio, video games, the internet and mobile media. Like all art forms, Media Arts has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging students to reach their creative and expressive potential.

As an art form evolving in the twenty-first century, Media Arts enables students to use existing and emerging technologies as they explore imagery, text and sound and create meaning as they participate in, experiment with and interpret diverse cultures and communications practices.

Health & Physical Education

In an increasingly complex, sedentary and rapidly changing world, our students not only need to be able to cope with life’s challenges, but also to flourish as healthy, safe and active citizens.  Health and Physical Education is an essential component of the curriculum that focuses on the holistic wellbeing of the student, that is, the physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of health.  It is our aim to ensure our students are health literate and physically literate.

In the Health program, students cover the following focus areas – food and nutrition, alcohol and other drugs, health benefits of physical activity, mental health and wellbeing, relationships and sexuality, and safety.  In the Physical Education program, students cover challenge and adventure activities, games and sports, lifelong physical activities and rhythmic and expressive activities.

Health and Physical Education also offers a very diverse range of elective subjects to provide Year 9 and 10 students an introduction to what is offered at College level, and/or a greater experience in fitness, sport or adventure based subjects.  These include Athlete Development, Outdoor Education, Recreational Leadership, Sport Service, Sport Science Introduction, and Sport Science – Exercise Physiology, Skill Acquisition and Sport Psychology.



The central role of language learning is developing humans. A key purpose of teaching a language is the acquisition, maintenance and extension of knowledge, skills and strategies to communicate in Japanese. The development of communicative competence is the focus for our teaching and learning, which enriches learners intellectually, educationally and culturally enabling them to make connections.

The contribution of Languages other than English aims to encourage students to carry with them a curiosity and excitement to know more about their world and develop an appreciation and respect for our diversity of global lifestyles. Inter-school and cultural activities enhance our students’ learning as well as virtual exchanges with students in Japan. Hopefully, in the near future, overseas school trips and welcoming overseas visitors to our school again will be possible.

Intercultural language learning involves the fusing of language, culture and learning into a single educative approach. This approach develops the student’s capacity to be interculturally literate by equipping them with the skills, knowledge and understandings to be effective participative global citizens. We aim to assist our students to live and work successfully as linguistically and culturally aware citizens of the world. Learning another language enhances career opportunities for our students.

Students are assessed against the 'Australian Curriculum: Languages' in Japanese: Year 7 - 10 (Year 7 Entry).

Year 7 and Year 8 students study Japanese for two years having four lessons a fortnight. In Year 9 and 10 students may choose Japanese as one of their Option subjects having 6 lessons a fortnight.

Outdoor Education

Each year, an Outdoor Educational Camp for Year 7 students is held early in early in Term 1 as part of the College's 'New Beginnings' Orientation Program.

The camp serves as an icebreaker for Year 7 students entering the College while helping to develop a sense of unity among the year group. The aim of the Outdoor Education Adventure Camp is to promote the personal development of each student and allow participation by students in practical activities, both as an individual and as a valued member of a group.

After the Year 7 camp, students participate in some single day trips which will start to work on some of the specific skills required in their time at SVC.

During Year 8 to 10, students have many other opportunities for outdoor education experiences and skill development.

In Year 8, students participate in single day trips and overnight experiences in small groups.

In Year 9 and 10 Outdoor Education is an elective subject within the curriculum which provides students with a pathway through to Year 12 (TQA) studies.

In Year 9, students participate in three day trips of their choice (rafting, walking or mountain biking) in small groups.

In Year 10, students participate in an optional three to five day trip of their choice to locations such as Frenchman's Cap or the Western Arthurs. 

The following rules apply all camps, as well as to all Outdoor Education classes:
  • Actions must be safe.
  • Actions must be fair.
  • Actions must reflect well both on the students and College.
Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies at St Virgil’s College aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure students can individually and collaboratively succeed in a modern world. They are encouraged to design, create, manage and evaluate innovative and sustainable digital solutions to meet and redefine future needs. Computational and abstract thinking are taught to enable students to create meaningful digital solutions.

Currently, Digital Technologies is taught to Year 7 and 8 students as a mandatory subject, focusing on the Australian Curriculum standard. 

For Year 9 and 10, students have a number of optional subjects available which focus on Engineering Design, as well as a dual-subject course that covers the majority of the Year 9/10 band of the Australian Curriculum (called 'Digital Controllers' and 'Digital Creators'). Through practical and research tasks, students develop skills and confidence in dealing with existing and emerging technologies and understand their application to work, leisure and communication.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

What is VET?

VET is different to D&T – Design and Technology. It is different because:

  • VET is education for further training and employment.
  • VET is nationally accredited.
  • Each VET training course and introductory course provides skills and practice for specific jobs to industry standard.
  • Work placement in relevant industries providing ‘hands on’ experience is a required component each VET course and introductory course.

Why do a VET course?

  • To gain industry qualifications, experience and valuable work skills.
  • To increase your chances of gaining employment in a particular industry.
  • To start on a pathway to further education and training.

VET Qualifications

VET qualifications are recognised by training authorities, government and employers Australia wide. 

Students starting an introductory course at St Virgil’s College can continue to complete their qualifications at Guilford Young College and at other registered training organisations offering VET courses, Australia wide.

VET Courses

VET courses are designed to develop and recognise workplace skills. They recognise what students can do, not what they can remember.

VET at St Virgil’s College

St Virgil’s College is in partnership with Guilford Young College Registered Training Organisation (RTO 1129).

VET courses available to students attending St Virgil’s College include:

  • AHC10216 Certificate I in AgriFood Operations
  • Introduction to Automotive
  • Introduction to Construction
  • Introduction to Hospitality
  • Introduction to Metal Trades
  • MAR10418 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Seafood & Maritime Training (SMT) RTO 7074)

Student requirements

All VET students need to be committed to undertaking the theory component of the VET course they are studying.

In order to gain competency, all VET students must demonstrate accuracy, precision, consistency, the ability to meet and maintain workplace standards, WH&S, appropriate behaviour and productivity.

VET programs are available from Year 10 only. 

VET courses available are listed in the 2025 Subject Selection Handbook.

Design and Technology Subjects

Design & Technology – Metal

In Design & Technology – Metal, students apply the process of designing, making and appraising, to metal based challenges. Students learn design principles, skills and techniques required to complete projects including the use of tools and technology in a safe manner.

Students gain an understanding of different metals and how they can be used.

At St Virgil’s, Design & Technology – Metal is largely practical with a theory component. All students in Year 7 and 8 undertake the study of Design & Technology – Metal for a third of each year. In Year 9 and 10 the study of Design & Technology – Metal becomes an option as of the semesterised program.

Design & Technology - Food

Design & Technology – Food at St Virgil’s involves the exploration and understanding of food; its role in health and wellbeing; how it can be prepared/made; social and safety issues and how technology impacts on food and career opportunities relating to food.

Design & Technology – Food involves practical experiences in the process of designing, making and evaluating foods/food products, using technology and skills. At St Virgil’s, Design & Technology – Food is largely practical with a theory component. All students in Year 7 and 8 undertake the study of Design & Technology – Food for a third of each year. In Year 9 and 10 the study of Design & Technology – Food becomes an option as part of the semesterised program.

Design & Technology - Mixed Mediums

In Design & Technology – Mixed Materials, students apply the process of designing, making and appraising, using a range of materials in response to design challenges. Students learn design principles, skills and techniques required to complete projects including the use of tools and technology in a safe manner. Students gain an understanding of a range of materials, their uses and their limitations.

At St Virgil’s, Design & Technology – Mixed Materials is largely practical with a theory component. All students in Year 7 and 8 undertake the study of Design & Technology – Wood and Design & Technology – Metal. This equips students with the necessary background to undertake the study of Design & Technology – Mixed Materials in Year 9 and 10 as an option as part of the semesterised program.

Design & Technology - Graphics

Design Graphics provides students with the opportunity to present design ideas using a range of graphic processes. Students develop skills to communicate ideas graphically and learn how to read and interpret basic plans and diagrams.

At St Virgil’s, Design Graphics is largely practical with a theory component. It is an optional subject in Year 9 and 10 as part of the semesterised program.

iPad Program

Digital Technologies and 21st century skills form an integral part of the curriculum at St Virgil’s College. To assist students in their studies, boys are issued with a school owned iPad for their studies during Years 3 to 6 and 7 to 9.  In the Early Years, shared iPads are available for in class use whilst Year 10 students receive a MacBook device, to use for their final years at the College.

These devices are used in all subjects and for a variety of purposes. Teachers are able to provide content to students in a number of different forms, including written text, visual images and multi-media. Teaching and learning activities are provided in many different forms, through the use of interactive apps and stimulating activities that allow students to engage in their learning in new ways.

Students are regularly found around the grounds making use of the portability of their iPad devices, creating their own images and videos to tell stories, explain their thinking or demonstrate their understanding. The 1:1 issued technologies form a ubiquitous part of daily life at the College, and allow the student to engage in their learning whenever, and wherever, they need.


We believe that regular homework reinforces school learning, establishes good study habits, and develops of skills in revision, research and organisation. It encourages independent learning and presents students with a chance to take responsibility for their learning.

Homework is set to supplement and complement work done in class. It is an integral part of each student’s work and can cover areas of research, consolidation and revision.

Homework may involve:

  • doing set work,
  • completing assignments,
  • reading a novel,
  • studying for a test,
  • researching a topic
  • doing search on the internet,
  • revising current class work from texts and exercise books,
  • developing skills by ongoing practice such as mathematical tables.

Homework tasks should be recorded in the student’s diary on a regular basis, and it is the parent’s responsibility to sign the diary and check that homework has been completed. Parents should communicate with teachers if concerned about any aspects of homework.

It is recommended that students allocate the following amounts of time to homework:

  • Year 7 - About one hour per night and occasional weekend work
  • Year 8 - About one and half hours per night and occasional weekend work
  • Year 9 & 10 - About two hours per night and weekend work, usually necessary depending on subjects

Parents should be aware of the potential danger of their sons becoming over-committed to sport, part-time employment or other activities. It is important that students develop a balanced lifestyle that allows time for study, sporting activities or other exercise, and recreation.